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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Cause And Effect, Coordinative Conjuction Part-2

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Cause And
Effect, Coordinative Conjuction Part-2
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Cause And
Effect, Coordinative Conjuction Part-2
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 ihwal Cause and Effect, Coordinative Conjuction Part-2 - Melanjutkan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap bab sebelumnya, (belum membacanya? silahkan baca disini), bab kedua masih berisikan bahan yang sama diambil dari Bab 2, menyerupai berikut dibawah ini.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

1. I will follow you …. You go.
a. because
b. but
c. although
d. wherever
e. case
Answer: d

2. …. I was walking on the street, the accident happened.
a. While
b. When
c. Whereas
d. Unless
e. Otherwise
Answer: a

3. I can’t go further …. the street congestion.
a. because
b. because of
c. although
d. otherwise
e. whereas
Answer: b

4. Rita still got the bad mark…. she learns hard.
a. although
b. because
c. but
d. and
e. whenever
Answer: a

5. The electricity will be cut down …. Jaka pays his bill.
a. whereas
b. because
c. although
d. unless
e. and
Answer: d

6. She has decided to move to Portland …. there are more opportunities for employment in that city.
a. because
b. wherever
c. if
d. as long as
e. whenever
Answer: a

7. You can borrow my car …. you agree to be very careful with it.
a. because
b. wherever
c. whenever
d. if
e. as long as
Answer: e

8. They’ll have a good com harvest this year …. It rains a lot and prevents them from harvesting their crops.
a. unless
b. whereas
c. but
d. if
e. so
Answer: a

9. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun …. she can protect herself from intruders who break into her apartment.
a. so that
b. due to
c. because
d. go
e. over
Answer: a

10. …. he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ still drivers his car into the city every day.
a. Although
b. So
c. So that
d. Mark
e. And
Answer: a

11. Dessert are harsh and dry …. many plants grow there.
a. for
b. so
c. yet
d. or
e. and
Answer: d

12. Pat looked at the antique rocker, …. she couldn’t afford to buy it.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. although
e. wherever
Answer: b

13. Constance might go to the library, …. she might stay home.
a. but
b. yet
c. for
d. so
e. and
Answer: d

14. Sue jogs every day, …. she wants to stay in shape.
a. but
b. yet
c. for
d. so
e. and
Answer: c

15. His shoes are worn, …. he has no socks.
a. for
b. so
c. or
d. and
e. nor
Answer: a

16. My mother…. I went to the market for shopping.
a. or
b. neither
c. either
d. and
e. to
Answer: d

17. Thomas was not telling the truth …. he was shouting at me.
a. provider
b. moreover
c. although
d. in order to
e. towards
Answer: c

18. Please come on time, …. We may miss the flight.
a. otherwise
b. therefore
c. so
d. but
Answer: a

19. We should avoid oily food …. be healthy.
a. finally
b. in order to
c. consequently
d. for
e. always
Answer: b

20. I will give you my car…. you come back before 5’o clock.
a. as long as
b. because
c. although
d. provide
e. proven
Answer: a

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